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“Strategic DE&I”

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Mandag til fredag fra 8.00 – 16.00

#DE&I #Strategic HR #Recruitment #Retention

#DE&I #Strategic HR #Recruitment #Retention


Strategic DE&I: Building Organizational Trust through Data-Driven DE&I

[ Course will be held in English ]

Become an Expert on Data-Driven DE&I

Strategic DE&I offers an in-depth understanding of how data and insights can form the basis for a strategic approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within HR and leadership.

With organizational design consultant Emil Novák-Tót as the instructor, the course focuses on three key areas: using data and insights as a strategic foundation, promoting DE&I that is outcome-driven and meaningfully aligned with all other organizational goals, and building structural trust within organizations.

On This Course You’ll Gain:

Insight as the Basis for Strategic DE&I: Learn how to turn data into insight to identify areas where your organization can improve equity and inclusion. Understand the importance of data-driven decision-making when creating DE&I strategies.

Advancing DE&I with Measurable Outcomes: Gain insights on how to translate strategy into concrete actions that promote a culture of diversity and inclusion in your organization.

Building Structural Trust: Learn how to build and maintain trust across all levels of your organization.

Is This Course for You?

In Strategic DE&I, you’ll be presented with the latest theory, data, practical tools, interactive sessions, and case studies and be equipped to effectively analyze, plan, and implement DE&I initiatives.

This course is designed for HR professionals and managers who are committed to developing and implementing effective DE&I strategies to create a more inclusive work culture. Whether you’re already working strategically with DE&I or you’re just getting started, this course will help you plan and drive DE&I initiatives more effectively – and with measurable outcomes.

with Emil Novák-Tót

9AM - 4PM (Breakfast from 8.30AM)
3.995kr. Excl. moms
  • 4. marts 2025 - KØBENHAVN
  • 22. maj 2024 - AARHUS
  • 4. juni 2024 - ODENSE
Ved køb af billet til dette kursus er tilmeldingen bindende. Du har dog altid mulighed for at ændre navnet på deltageren, hvis personen bliver forhindret i at deltage. BEMÆRK: Vil I deltage som gruppe, kontakt os direkte for at få et gruppetilbud på mail: salg@learnx.dk eller telefon: 89 87 50 50.

Emil Novák-Tót

… is a researcher and DEIB practitioner with about seven years of experience in linguistic and socio-psychological research in speech, stereotypes, charisma, power, belonging and related workplace dynamics. He is founder and consultant at In It For Change, a Copenhagen-based consultancy helping mission-led teams to tie culture and social impact together.

You’ll Leave This Course With:

  • Practical tools and methods for data-driven DE&I work.
  • Skills to foster and measure the impact of DE&I initiatives.
  • Strategies to build trust and an inclusive culture in your organization.

Your Organization Will Gain:

  • Stronger DE&I initiatives, grounded in strategic thinking and real data.
  • A more inclusive work culture that promotes well-being and effective collaboration.
  • Improved employee engagement and retention by creating a sense of belonging and appreciation.

Emner du kommer igennem på masterclassen

Emil Novák-Tót

… is a researcher and DEIB practitioner with about seven years of experience in linguistic and socio-psychological research in speech, stereotypes, charisma, power, belonging and related workplace dynamics. He is founder and consultant at In It For Change, a Copenhagen-based consultancy helping mission-led teams to tie culture and social impact together.

Professionelle rammer

Vi har ikke kun sørget for den faglige forkælelse på dagen. Vores kurser afholdes på nøje udvalgte lokationer (se her) og prisen inkluderer en let morgenmad (fra kl. 08.30), lækker frokost inkl. en vand, eftermiddagssnack og kaffe/the ad libitum hele dagen.

Har du spørgsmål er du velkommen til at kontakte LearnX på tlf. 89 87 50 50 eller info@learnx.dk.



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